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Lignocam at Ligna 2023



Every edition of the LIGNA is an event not to be missed. People no longer come to LIGNA to sell a machine or software, but to network and work on a project to acquire a new means of production, the only guarantee of assured integration. For many years, Lignocam has refrained from taking a stand, as it is often too far from its partners. We prefer to be close to our customers. Lignocam is present all week as a flying demonstrator, available to machine builders compatible with its software.



This year, as usual, there were countless contacts and very rewarding discussions with customers. However, for the carpenter, the choice of cutting machines is drastically reduced. A trend which may delight the survivors but which, in the wake of Uniteam’s tragic demise, gives us cause for concern. Even more worrying is the growing appetite of groups. Let’s hope some clever manufacturer decides to resurrect Uniteam’s Ultra or its ancestor, the Balzjer Zembrod. Don’t hesitate to ring our doorbell, it’s already open!

Vevey, 22.05.2023, Jean Roulier CEO.


Our partners at the Ligna 2023







